Shipping + Handling



K.I. Baby Blues ships to all states in the United States.

Shipping rates are by weight up to 13 ounces. Packages weighing more than 13 ounces are shipped by Priority Flat Rate according to estimated weight of items that will fit in each Flat rate package. Shipping overages over $1 will be refunded.

0.01-4 $3.50

4.01-8 $4.00

8.01-10 $4.50

10.01-13 $5.00

13.01-18 $8.00

18.01-24 $13.00

24.01-30 $20.00

We are not shipping internationally through the website at this time, however, you are welcome to send an email to or message us on Facebook to order. Thank you so much for your understanding.